Friday, September 18, 2015


Ok, so today I am going to be discussing cars. 

Let me start by saying that I drive a small Chevrolet hybrid, nothing special, just a good car thats great on gas and newer..not the fastest. Ok so, when Im driving my little hybrid down the road and I get stuck behind some driving a sports or luxury car..well it kind of pis*es me off. Like, this person is driving a 2014 BMW and cant get it over 40??? WTF, How does that make any sense?? Or better than that, when I get stuck behind a 2014 Chevrolet Camero going...35 in a 55...UMMM HELLO, are you blind and cant read the speed limit sign?? 

I know im a woman and you think I know nothing about cars...well wrong!!! I worked at a car dealership for sometime and Ive test drive many a vehicle. I know a little bit about cars.

I know the new Cameros are a little less than powerful...although people think their the sh*t driving them...but Ive driven the new Cameros and they are no more powerful than the Ford Focus or the Chevy Malibu, they just look nicer and have more horsepower. These new sports cars have so many safety features that they cant gun it to go anywhere, even the infamous Mustangs aren't that great anymore. 

But back to the subject, if your driving a sports/luxury car, Please don't let me get stuck behind you in my hybrid and have to pass you and feel sorry for you!!! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Personal information

So let me just start by saying that Facebook is not the place to express your personal information!!!

I am friends with a quite a few people on Facebook and there are a few who think its OK to pour their heart and soul out for everyone to read. 

Like for instance, this one girl I'm friends with post about her crappy relationship one twice sometimes three times a day...excuse my language but why the F**K are you still with him if he treats you so crappy. I am every other post is "My husband always wants to know where I go during the day when hes at work and the kids are at school" and "my husband gets so upset when I spend money on my nails and tanning"...well honey, since you are obviously never leaving him, here are a few things...number 1, maybe you spending TOO MUCH money is a problem, I do follow you in Facebook and you go to the tanning bed 4 or 5 days a week and you get your nails and hair don't about once a week...Number 2, did it ever occur to you that maybe your husband is just trying to make conversation about your day? Do you ever bother to ask him how is day is going??? 

Okay, so this girl is not the only one who post her feelings on Facebook, a person who is kind of related to me (who I recently had to block on Facebook because her post got out of hand) posts LITERALLY everything on her Facebook. "My ex Husband is a no good piece of SH** who cant pay his child support" and "that B**ch who lives down the road better quit running her mouth..." shes so stupid. Like seriously, WE DO NOT NEED TO KNOW ALL THIS!!! And goodness, don't say anything what she posts or you'll get a speak about how its her page and she can post whatever she wants. Like, half the stuff she posts are stuff she has caused on herself, she posts this stuff to make her feel better. Like she posts about her Husband having a girlfriend (who I know and is very sweet) and she doesn't want her son to be around his girlfriend because she doesn't like her and doesn't think its right that he has a girlfriends...well this girl has a boyfriend/baby daddy but its ok for her to be around him although the ex husband does like the boyfriend/baby you see why I had to block her...its ridiculous!!!  

Sometimes I wonder why I even have a Facebook!!! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


So, here in the state of South Carolina, we (not me) as citizens are not quite capable of using a simple thing called headlights. Dark foggy morning...nah no headlights because we dont need them. 

OK MORONS, maybe you can see me but that doesnt mean I can see you!!!

You people drive these nice, 50,60 thousands dollar cars and trucks then drive them when its dark and foggy with no headlights...are you trying to wreck your nice car??? If so, DO NOT let me be the one to pull out in front of you because I cant see you coming, because I promise it will not end good!!!!!

If you ever decide to move to the great state of South Carolina, a little common sense and smarts will you get a long way...just remember that.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Miss America 2016

Being from South Carolina, of course I felt as if Miss South Carolina should have been crowned Miss America 2016 but I do however feel that Georgia should have been crowned. For the many reason I have, here are just a few; She tripped not once but twice during her evening gown walk, her talent in my opinion was not up to par and her on stage questions answer...well dont get me started on that!!!! 

I do have a few feelings about some of the other contestants; Miss Alabama had the BEST answer for her on stage question, South Carolina had one the best talents along with (sorry cant remember what state she was) the girl who sang opera, and I did like Georgia's evening gown. 

Speaking of the evening gown....WTF was up with them all being the same. They were all plain, simple and satin...too much satin. I was under the impression that the evening gowns were suppose to represent who you are, while highlighting your beauty. 

Everything aside, I do hope that our new Miss America will represent us well!!